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Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3rd Daily Plan

9th Grade - Freshmen continued in their reading of Antigone by working through Scene 3 and Ode 3 in small groups. Each member of each group was responsible for knowing the details of the scene, and we had a small competition based on which group could answer my questions about the scene fastest/most accurately.

Students were also expected to be filling out the outline for Scene 3 and Ode 3, since it will be very helpful with the Antigone essay that we will start next week.

Finally, I gave students the guidelines for the S.S.R. Book Assignment. As students have been expected to be reading a book for personal enjoyment over the semester, I expect them to know their books pretty well. To both demonstrate this knowledge and to share it with the class, students must create a pamphlet that advertises their S.S.R. book to the rest of the class. Students were provided specific guidelines for what is expected with this assignment.

S.S.R. Book Pamphlets are to be turned in ANYTIME BEFORE SPRING BREAK. The absolute last day to turn a pamplet in is the Friday before Spring Break, so students need to plan ahead and work accordingly.

10th Grade - Sophomores continued watching the film version of TKAM in class, looking at differences between the film and the novel. Students were asked to pay particular attention to certain scenes that highlight the main themes of the novel.

Students also had 10 minutes to complete another journal entry; the prompt options I provided were -

1) What do you think the strongest themes are in TKAM? What leads you to these beliefs?

2) What changes do you see between the novel and the film? Why do you think the filmmaker would make these changes?

Finally, I gave students the guidelines for the S.S.R. Book Assignment. As students have been expected to be reading a book for personal enjoyment over the semester, I expect them to know their books pretty well. To both demonstrate this knowledge and to share it with the class, students must create a pamphlet that advertises their S.S.R. book to the rest of the class. Students were provided specific guidelines for what is expected with this assignment.

S.S.R. Book Pamphlets are to be turned in ANYTIME BEFORE SPRING BREAK. The absolute last day to turn a pamplet in is the Friday before Spring Break, so students need to plan ahead and work accordingly.

HOMEWORK - Finish TKAM, create and respond to your own journal prompt (should complete a set of 5 for Part 2)

10th Grade Credit Recovery - For students that did not turn in the initial set of journal entries, I will allow any additional entries that are combined with the set due Monday.

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