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Friday, December 3, 2010

Dec. 3rd Daily Plan

9th Grade -

We began reading the novel Fahrenheit 451 in class today. The weekend's homework is to read to page 24 in the book, and to be ready to discuss and continue on Monday. Pay close attention to what you learn about the main characters in the first 20 pages. Also - there are two terms used at the beginning, Phoenix and Salamander. Search for the mythical meaning of these two terms.

We also discussed the ideas of censorship and the rule of law in class. We touched back on the "wikileaks" issue in the news currently, and how the ideas of censorship and law applies today.

There is another in-class writing prompt - Write about what you do in a typical morning, and write how many laws you think affect your daily routine.

(for example - if I wake up and drive to school, there are laws governing the speed at which I can drive, seatbelt laws, etc.)

Finally, the class spent a short time in the library to finish the Banned Books project and turn it in.

10th Grade  - We added in some vocabulary to our unit on The Crucible, did another writing prompts, and continued to read in the play. If you missed this class, here are the details.

Vocab - I will be adding two words per day, and each week we will take a quiz over the words we have studied. I expect students to know the definitions, be able to use the words in a sentence, and draw an image that demonstrates understanding of the concept.

Vocab words - ideology, theocracy.

Writing Prompt - "Lies" - Are there times when lying is justified? In what situations? Are there times when lying is not justified? Why?

The biggest focus on this writing prompt is developing examples that demonstrate your logic. We talked about how everyone has experienced a situation in which they argued against someone who did not provide any evidence, and would refuse to listen. The goal with this writing assignment is to not argue like that - examples, examples, examples!

Reading in The Crucible - the beginning of Act 2. To page 58 in the blue copies of the book (other copies; it is where the text reads "Pause" in the conversation between Proctor, Elizabeth, and Mary Warren)

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