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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dec. 14th Daily Plan

9th Grade -

The majority of the class period today was spent working on the proposals and gathering evidence for the project related to Fahrenheit 451. Students are all now paired, and each group has given me a proposal of what they intend to create over the next several days.

In small groups, we developed some evidence for three of the major themes in the novel - censorship, media, and freedom. These are most definitely not the only themes available to be used, and students can use any other idea (or character, or symbol) provided they can make a clear and logical argument for why it should be used.

For students who missed the quiz yesterday - see me for an alternate writing assignment.

HOMEWORK - Bring in your project's evidence (pictures for collage; song lyrics; script)

The option I have given students - if EVERYONE has brought evidence to work on in-class and time is spent wisely, we WILL NOT have a final on Fahrenheit 451.

However, if it is clear to me that students are not using their time wisely in class and have not been working on creating a high-quality final project, we will have a final.

10th Grade -

Unfortunately, 1st and 4th period missed class entirely due to the PLAN-ACT, losing some time for our in-class essay. In light of this, I have pushed the due date to Tuesday, Dec. 21st.

In 5th period, we read Act 4 and started looking at how characters change thoughout the play. For students that missed class because of the PLAN-ACT - READ ACT 4. We will spend tomorrow in class gathering evidence for characters to begin writing the essay, and will have a writing workshop focused on evidence+explanation on Thursday.

But for it to work and be useful, it requires that students have developed a rough first draft. So here's an early hint that an outline/early draft will be needed on Thursday.

For students thta missed the vocab quiz yesterday - See me for an alternate quiz.

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