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Friday, January 21, 2011

Jan. 21st Daily Plan

9th Grade - We are starting to wrap up our poetry unit, with one more genre of poetry being written by the students before starting up the final project next week (details on Monday).

Today, students did an activity to help generate ideas for a narrative poem.

To get started, students were given three minutes to write as much as possible about a character, including aspects such as gender, age, personality, etc.
Students then had to trade notebooks, and the next student was given three minutes to develop a setting for the character.
Students then had to trade notebooks with a third student, who had to create a potential conflict for that character. Conflicts could be internal (for example, a moral dilemma), or external (for example, caught as a hostage in a bank robbery).

Once these basic ideas were developed, the original student would have more of an outline for which to base their poem on. Students did not have to use the ideas developed by their peers, but it provides more options when writing.

The rest of the class was dedicated to writing; the narrative poem has a minimum length of 8 quatrains (32 lines), and must have a rhyme scheme.

10th Grade - Sophomores are on the final stages of the literary analysis B.O.E., meaning time was spent in the library/computer lab to allow them to finish up the final, edited, typed draft of the essay. Many students were able to finish today, and many still have more typing to complete on monday. ALL STUDENTS NEED TO BRING A NEW S.S.R. BOOK ON MONDAY (FOR CREDIT).

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