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Friday, January 14, 2011

Jan. 14th Daily Plan

9th Grade - Freshmen had the reverse schedule of the previous day; so 3rd hour should look at Jan. 13th daily schedule to see what was done this day.

10th Grade - All sophomore classes have finished their exam for my class, and we had one more lesson focused on punctuation before starting the next semester. This lesson was focused on use of quotation marks, as they were often misused in student papers.

So, quick overview on using quote marks -

1) Quoting another text or person - Double quotation marks (") surround the quote.
ex. Mr. Kimmel said "this is a quotation."
2) Quoting a quote - single quotation marks (') are used for the inner quote.
ex. John said "Mr. Kimmel said 'this is a quotation.'"
3) To show ironic or unusual usage - DO NOT use quotation marks for emphasis. If you are using quote marks, it demonstrates that you are using a phrase ironically, or in a non-normal way.
ex. The person with the messy locker is very "responsible."

Also, remember that other punctuation generally goes to the LEFT of quotation marks, except for the period after the (author, page number) part. 

ex. When I use the following quote, "I put the first comma outside the quote," said Mr. Kimmel, "but the second comma stays to the left of the closing quotation mark" (Kimmel, 1)

Semester over - have a good weekend!

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