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Freshmen Poetry Project

Final Unit Assessment – Five Degrees of Separation Project

Project Prompt – pick a poet (lyric or written) that you believe has an influence on the way people think or view the world in current society. As we have learned, many people from all walks of life and genres can qualify as poets. Your goal is to choose one, discuss their contemporary achievements, and research their poetic influence all the way back to 1900.
Project Guidelines –
·         2-3 of your choice’s poetic achievements
·         5 generations of influence; each generation has an example 
·         Choose one of your choice’s poetic achievements to analyze for the class, and choose one of their predecessor’s poetic achievements to analyze as a comparison
Poetic Movements - These are examples of the many poetic movements that have existed in history.

  • Beats
  • Harlem Renaissance
  • Modernism
  • Dark Room Collective
  • Surrealism
  • Symbolists
  • Romanticism
  • Formalism
  • Modernism
  • Trancedentalism
  • Imagism
  • Jazz Poetry
  • Blues Poetry
  • Classicalism

Project Rubric

Exceed Expectation
Meet Expectation
Approaching Expectation
Approaching Expectation from Very far away
Ideas and Content
Student creates clear written assertions and connections between the contemporary artist chosen, and the historical influences on their choice. Written work demonstrates high level of research, and discovers unique information.
Student is able demonstrate connections between the artist chosen, and historical influences on their choice. Written work demonstrates research.
Student is able to demonstrate connections between the artist chosen, and provides some historical influences. Written work is partially researched, but has gaps.

Student barely makes any connections between the contemporary artist and his/her historical influences.
Student has no ideas.

Project has a clear chronological organization, and each successive stage is well-connected.
Project has a clear chronological organization, but there are some gaps in information that make it harder to connect each stage.
Project has an organization, but is not always in the right order. Gaps in information make it difficult to connect each stage.

Project is unorganized; no way to connect each stage.
Project’s essay lacks everything.

Sentence Fluency and Word Choice

The student uses sentences of different length and uses interesting vocabulary. The writing is smooth to read and flows well.

The writing is not repetitive and sentences are of different length and style. Word choice varies (do not repeat yourself over and over and over and over and over and over and over).

Student writing repeats the same sentence structure. Sentences are all similar, and some run-on sentences and fragments are present. Word choice is very, very, very, very repetitive.

Student writing is robotic and there is no variation. Fragments and run-on sentences occur frequently. No variation in word choice.

Student didn’t write anything.
Quite weak.
Intensely weak.
Immensely weak.
No spelling or grammar errors. A spell-checker would cry it is so good.
Very few spelling or grammar errors.
Several spelling or grammar errors. Enough that it is difficult to read the paper because of spelling and grammar.
Paper is very difficult to read because of misspellings and poor grammar.
Student didn’t write anything.

Do you see a theme developing in this column?
Project is well put-together, incorporates various types of media to present a more complete understanding of each era.
Project should be able to stand alone; audience could view it alone and have it make sense.
Project is well put-together; some stages have media to present a more complete understanding, but information is unequal.
Project should be able to stand alone; audience could view it alone and have it make sense.
Project is put together, but little effort is visible in providing the audience will a complete understanding of each era.

Project does not stand alone for all stages.
Project appears put together rapidly and shows no polishing. Project does not stand alone; needs someone to explain each step.

Project does not stand alone at all.
You didn’t do it. There was nothing to present. I am displeased.