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Critical Thinking Portfolio Assignment + Rubric

The Response Portfolio Assignment

A written group of “response papers” that illustrate what the students think and/or feel about what they read. The writings will be accumulated in a portfolio so that each text provided by the teacher has a response from the student.

Every two weeks, students will spend time reacting to a text that discusses critical thought in a different method.

The responses should be somewhat “raw” in format and summarize a student’s reaction to the presented text. They may be in various formats (journal, reading log, or outline of ideas considered) depending on how the student responds to the text.

Preferably, they will thrash out the ideas presented in the text in such a way that they show some personal consideration of the ideas presented in the text. The papers should consider the following:

1) How do you feel about what you are reading?

2) What do you agree or disagree with?

3) Can you identify with the situation?

4) What points illustrated in the text stand out in your opinion?

Keep in mind, with ALL of these questions – the key is DETAIL! Do not simply tell me that you agree with the author of a given assignment, but explain EXACTLY what you agree with what the author says.

The Response Portfolio Rubric

A Portfolio that Receives an A . . .
  • Has all response papers included and is turned in on time.
  • Responses indicate consideration and thought of the given text.
  • Questions that may be considered will include –
    • Generation Reactions to presented ideas.
    • Statements of agreement or disagreement with clear explanation.
    • Highlighted points that the author brings up.
  • All responses at least two full paragraphs in length.

A Portfolio that Receives a B . . .
  • Has most of the response papers turned in on time (at least 80%)
  • Responses include general outlines of at least one of the author’s main points.
  • Questions that may be considered will include –
    • Generation Reactions to presented ideas.
    • Statements of agreement or disagreement with clear explanation.
    • Highlighted points that the author brings up.
  • All responses at least two full paragraphs in length.

A Portfolio that Receives a C  . . .
  • Some of the responses are turned in on time; contains at least 70% of the total assigned writing.
  • Some responses lack any organizing thought on the text.
  • Responses include some of the ideas discussed by the author.
  • All responses are at least one full paragraph in length.

A Portfolio that Receives a D . . .
  • Some of the responses are turned in on time, many are missing.
  • Responses do not reflect that the student has read the text.
  • Responses do not contain any ideas discussed by the author.

A Portfolio that Receives an F. . .
  • Student really didn’t turn anything in.
  • What is turned in doesn’t make much sense.
  • Doesn’t look like student has read what was assigned.
  • I am displeased.