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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nov. 30th Daily Schedule

9th Grade -

We worked on developing background information for Fahrenheit 451. I did a short lecture on the context of when the book was written, and we went over some of the major themes and elements that students should be looking for while reading.

Either copy the notes from someone else in the class, or come see me to look over my lecture notes.

We also had the 1st writing prompt for the unit - What should be censored, why, and who should have the capability to censor? (For example, video games are often censored due to violent content).

Response must be 1-2 pages, handwritten, double-spaced. If you do this at home and not in your in-class writing journal, staple it or paperclip into your notebook.

10th Grade -

We took the Literary Term B.O.E. exam today.
I also suggest that students now start checking their grades on-line, since everything has been set up from when I started teaching. Any missing assignments (in-class writing, personal book check) need to get brought into me by Dec. 1st for credit.

If you missed today (or missed the 22nd/23rd and were excused) - you must make up the B.O.E. exam by Dec 1st (or Dec 2nd, for those who has both days excused) during lunch or after school.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Nov. 29th Daily Schedule

9th Grade -

We are starting up a new unit based around a single work of literature, Fahrenheit 451. The assignment for today was to complete an anticipation guide/worksheet related to some of the themes in the book, and as in-class writing assignment going into greater depth over one of the questions.

B.O.E.'s from last week are graded, but I will not distribute them until everyone has turned the assignment in (many students were absent last Tuesday). If you have not turned in your Narrative BOE due to an absense, you have until Wednesday, Dec. 1st as the absolute last day to turn it in. Come see me if you have any questions.

10th Grade -

We continued on our unit discussing literary terms and applying them to short stories.

The three short stories in this unit are -

Harrison Bergeron (9/18)
The Euphio Question (9/23)
All the Kings Horses (9/29)

All by Kurt Vonnegut. Last week I distributed a literary term study guide, and a short story worksheet for what we have read in class. Tomorrow we are taking the Literary Term BOE in class.

If you missed last week for an excused absense, you will have an extra day (or two, depending) to take an alternate test. It is important that you come in and talk to me if this is the case.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nov 22-23 Daily Schedule - 9th and 10th Grade

9th Grade -

This week was focused on finishing the Narrative Writing B.O.E. If you missed this week, you will have to come in outside of class to complete the assignment.

What was turned in on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd -

Rough Draft
Peer Edit Sheet
Final Typed Draft

10th Grade -

This week was focused on reviewing the literature terms that will be appearing on the B.O.E. that sophomores will be taking on Tuesday, Nov. 30th.

If you missed class this week, look up "literature terms" in Google, and this should provide you with the basic idea of what terms I'm expecting everyone to know.

We reviewed them in-class on Monday, applied them to Harrison Bergeron, and I assigned a second story on Tuesday. We will be reviewing the terms with a 3rd story Monday.
