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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Credit Recovery Opportunity - 9th and 10th Grade

So you didn't do so great on the vocab quiz . . . well here is a shot to earn back a couple of points.
You have until 11:59, 2/9/11 to comment on this post.

Your comment needs your FIRST NAME and CLASS PERIOD.

Your comment must have 3 SENTENCES that demonstrate understanding of 3 VOCABULARY WORDS. Do not just give me the definitions, but USE THE WORDS IN SENTENCES that clearly display the meaning of the words.

You can pick any words you want from the last set.

You CANNOT copy the previous poster's sentence - your's must be ORIGINAL.

(This is an all-or-nothing deal; if you comment correctly, you get three points back.)


  1. Alex Galicia
    Mr. Kimmel
    English 9
    February 9, 2011 Period 3

    Urban Legend- Tupac is alive and living in south Jamaica. He often goes to Vegas and meets up with Elvis. They both go out and party and take dancing lessons from Michael Jackson.

    Myth- Pandora had a box full of evil and it contained hatred, sadness, illness, and many other things such as hope. But when this jar was opened all of these things released into the world.

    Anthropology- An Anthropologist studies the science of humans and human culture.

  2. Marianne Galbraith
    Mr. Kimmel
    English 9

    Collective consciousness: How someone views and acts around any group. Ex: Kelly wants to hang out with the popular group, so she acts and talks like they do hoping to become one of them.

    Folktale: Passed down by word of mouth; usually based on true facts but are changed over time. Ex: Bloody Mary is an example; when her spirit returns to take the lives of those that say her name in the mirror.

    Myth: A story used to tell about the creation of something, usually using animals as characters. Ex: Eating chocolate creates acne.

  3. Dave Armstrong
    Mr. Kimmel
    English 9

    Anthropologist - that anthropologist was so committed to his studies that he studied me a little to closely, so i popped him in the jaw.

    Urban Legend - that angry fat guy is so self-concious about his weight that he sits on anyone that makes fun of him until they are flattened.

    Archetype - my dinosaur drawing was such a good archetype that i had to get it copyrighted.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Bailey Colombe
    Mr. Kimmel
    English 10, Period 1
    Vapid: I found out that those scissors were very vapid as I tried to cut a piece of paper.

    Amiable: Michele is very amiable, she's such a great friend.

    Domicile: Thomas could not leave his domicile, he was too shy and scared to enter the world.

  6. Katelynn Colombe
    Mr. Kimmel
    English 10, Period 4

    Placid: The town was so placid that there were no sounds that could be heard of, even from a mile away.

    Vapid: The knife was so vapid that it caused the cutting of an apple to be quite difficult.

    Diminutive: There are shoes in both large sizes and in diminutive sizes at the shoe store.

  7. Samantha Walls
    English 9 Period 7
    Anthropology: The anthropologist was so creepy he would dig up graves to study dead humans

    Myth: The Oddessy is too long and stupid to be a myth, but some how it is

    Archetype: Harry Potter is an archetype for queer magicians

  8. H. Trapp
    7th Hour

    Urban Legend: Big foot lives in the woods and has a tree house made of sticks

    Folk-tale: A story spread by word of mouth from generation to generation.

    Myth: A myth can be a story about mythical beings and will usually explain why something is the way it is in the world.

  9. Julia Farnham
    English 9, Pd 3

    Anthropologist - My mom is an anthropologist and she can't stop studying everybody she sees.

    Myth - My sister told me I came from the stork!

    Archetype - I made the archetype of the toothbrush and everyone copied me.

  10. Matteo Petruzzi
    English 10, 1st Period

    Indigenous - Produced, growing, living or occuring naturally in a given enviroment
    Ex: These plants only grow here in Jackson, they are indigenous.

    Auspicious - attended by favourible circumstances; showing or suggesting future success as likely
    Ex: The party was an oppurtunity for tom to get a promotion, it was an auspicious moment for him!

    Diminitive - extremly small; tiny
    Ex: Tom crushed the diminitive mouse under his foot because of its small size.
